Monday, October 02, 2006

Already received MinDef letter to apply for medical checkup. Well.. this is inevitable that I have to serve National Service. Damn NS which will waste 2 years of life, refraining me from seeing my baby everyday. Wonder if anything will change, or will everything be the same still. I know it's just NS, and to me, I can't wait to get in. I just don't wanna leave my baby unattended. It sucks.

Hrmm... wonder which medical group will I be in.. Hopefully Pes A. Haha. Make the best of time I suppose. Go Guards la.. Or Commandos.. Preferably Air Force. I really don't mind signing on to Air Force if I can be a Co-Pilot. I don't wanna be the Pilot. You may ask why. Let me tell you why. The Pilot is only in charge of flying the craft and only his reflexes are counted on. But the CO, uses his brain. He controls all weapons systems and communications. Rather, the Co-Pilot is the brain, and the Pilot is merely the limbs. Heh. Interesting way to put it aye? Well, no offense to any Pilots reading this. Treasure your Co la. You need them.


I love you baby.. I think not seeing you everyday will kill me. It will. Maybe I can install some GPRS camera (read: 3G) and see you everyday whenever I want to. Hehe.. Just a thought, a thought.
